Friday, May 16, 2014

Husband and Wife Get Close To Jesus

This came my way on Facebook.
Not sure where it came from, otherwise I would give credit. 
Its pretty cool actually. 
When a husband and wife get close to Jesus
They get closer to each other. 
I can speak from personal experience on this one. 
I have been married 27 years 
to the best man ever! 
God could not have picked a better spouse for me. 
We have known each other 33 years! 
I've known him most of my life as we met right out of my 
graduating high school year. 
Both of us were raised Catholic
But since have been to a few different denominational churches in our 33 years
and we have landed at this point in our life at a Lutheran Church. 
I have to honestly say for us, NOW, it isn't about what church we belong to,
Its about our relationship with Christ. 
My walk was a bit ahead of my husbands. 
I had a spiritual mom who took me by the hand at 16 and said
This is the prayer you are going to pray, repeat after me! 
I did, and wasn't to sure what I was saying or praying!
But oh so thankful that she lead me down that path! 
Once God got a hold of my heart, He never let go
And my love to learn about him started then. 
I prayed for my husband from that time 
1 Peter 3:1
And prayed for myself, that I be an example to my husband. 
How do you do that? 
I have been in studies since the age of 25
and I love my bible study groups. 
Over the years they have been serious studies, 
Laid back studies, long studies, short studies. 
I never tire of learning about the Lord. 
And all that time I prayed that God would equally yoke my husband and I. 
2 Corinthians 6:14
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers
My husband gave his life to Christ a few years after my prayer
And when he did it was quiet and personal
Special for both of us.
My husband and I both have always believed in Christ
 but I worship differently. 
We still worship differently (I like to raise my hands and sing) 
But we have come so close to God by walking together in this path called faith. 
We are now after 27 years of marriage reaching the top of this pyramid!
We are becoming more equally yoked because we both realize the importance of Christ First
When we seek God in all things in our marriage
 and are faithful, we are blessed. 
Galatians 5:22-23 says, “The fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness.”
By walking this life together with Christ first
We have grown close
We talk about things more
Enjoy each other more than ever before
Not that we didn't 33 years ago
But now it is so deep and intimate
It is calm, real, honest
Everything about marriage has been enriched. 

Walking with Christ one on one is personal and special
But when you are married and you and your spouse agree on 
Who Christ is
Why He is THE MOST important factor in your marriage
Why you should ALWAYS in all things put HIM above anything else
That includes Job, Children, Family, Friends
Oh what a blessing He will give you!! 

Married life is intended to be a blessing from the Lord! 
Pray for your marriage today
For your spouse
That you walk together towards Him
And in Him, grow


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Who am I?

I took this picture when I was flying in the mid West two years ago. 
It was the most beautiful sky ever. 
I never felt so close to God as I did this day. 
The clouds to the right of this picture look like Angels to me. 
I felt like they were following me, talking to me, giving me hope. 
Whenever I see this I feel....warm.....loved.....close to my Maker. 
It makes me wonder 
Who Am I? 

Well, I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, neighbor, co-worker, volunteer. 
I have been a wife for 27 years. 
He is the best. I couldn't love anyone more than I love my husband. 
Well, my son. I am a mother for 24 years, and I love my son. 
I love my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, people I volunteer with. 
I may not like everyone, but who does? 
Not everyone likes me either, so it all balances out! 
But lately, I have had many a conversation with many 
people who seem to identify who they are with who is currently in their life.
For example, if someone is "alone" (without mate) they feel they are not "whole" 
If they don't have a husband, child...they feel, broken. 
I think I understand this. 
I have lost people I love
It hurts
And for a lifetime there is a missing piece. 
But do these "roles" I have in my life, make me who I am? 
What if there was NO ONE on earth but me? 
You've seen the movies
The whole earth blows up and there is only ONE guy left 
and he searches and searches for other humans
I would too! 
Don't get me wrong
Life would be very very hard with out those I love.
What or better yet, WHO DEFINES ME? 

 Psalm 139:13-16 says

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 

God himself formed me
He defines who I am
My hair color, my eyes
My genes My DNA
HE made me who I am in my mother's womb
Knitted me together it says
He knew me before I was
He created my soul
He made sure my mom and dad got together 
He made sure they had me
He wrote my name in His book
He knows the hairs on my head! 
He knows the days I have here on earth
He knows the hour, the minute, the way I will take my last breath

No one else knows this about me
Only God
Who Am I? 

Yes, I am a wife, mother, sister, etc
And I don't want to live without those people in my life
But more than ANYTHING else in this life
More than ANYONE in this life
I am HIS! 
I am a child of God
HE defines me
Not my husband, nor my son, 
nor my friends, family or anyone else
God Almighty tells me who I am! 
First and Foremost, 
I am a child of the One True King! 
That makes me a Princess! 
 The one who knows how many hairs are on my head! The ONE who made my very soul

Gosh it doesn't get any more personal than that! 

Who Am I?
I am His