Friday, March 28, 2014

My Box at the Tree of Life

I am a very visual person. 
When I got my new vacuum cleaner
I looked at the pictures on the box to put it together. 
Directions are fine when I really can't figure it out from a picture, 
but I am a visual learner for sure! 
Don't send me to a classroom, I won't learn anything. 
Don't give me lots of reading and then tests,
I won't get much out of that. 
Show me and let me go! 
Yep, Visual. 
So it is no surprise to me that everything else in my life is also visual. 
When it comes to my relationship with Christ 
it's the same principal, visual. 

When I go to Christ in prayer, conversation, or just to spend time with Him
I go visually. 
I picture myself with him. 
Its always the same. 
He is in His Robe. 
Not the bright white one, but the one that is off white, 
like this picture from the Son of God movie 
(and I imagine that Jesus probably looks something like this too)
 And Him and I are by a stream of running water
The water of Life itself
And we are by the tree of Life
The Tree is big, green, lush and full of Life
It is after all, the Tree of Life, 
It is bursting with Life from those who's names have been written.
And the grass is rich green and it just smells of fresh earth
Not dirt smell, but fresh....pure.....clean.......Holy
HIS presence makes it Perfect, Simple, Flawless
It is the most peaceful place that we meet, Jesus and I. 
He is dressed in His Robes and Sandals
 I approach Him
He is always under the tree
Sometimes we sit together
Sometimes we stand
Sometimes, in times of real need, I sit with Him
 He has his arms around me
Comforting me
Much like that of a Father.

I always have a box
And in my box are my troubles
He'll say to me
"Whats in the box today Geralyn" 
This particular day
I don't want to show Him yet what is in my box
Because I am not ready to give it to Him. 
But in the past, we have done this conversation
We have done the box. 

We have met so many many times under this tree in my life time. 
And many times I have given Him the contents of my box. 
When I have given Him the contents of the box
I mean, spilled them out for Him to take
I feel a lightness (John 8:36)
A calmness that I have finally turned something over to Him
For Him to take care of. (1 Peter 5:7) 
Once that is done,
the contents given to Christ,
I am now reconciled with Christ in the concerns of my box. 
I no longer have to worry about them. 
FREEDOM in Christ! Galatians 5:1

We hug
He tells me He loves me
 Today I didn't give Him the box
Today, I tell Him my box is heavy and I need to let it go
But I can't......I'm holding on
He says;
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
    I have called you by name, you are mine. 
 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you. 
 For I am the Lord your God,
  Because you are precious in my eyes,
    and honored, and I love you,
 Remember not the former things,
    nor consider the things of old. 
 Behold, I am doing a new thing;
(Isaiah from verse 43) 

When you are ready, bring me your box 
Bring me your troubles and concerns
cast them on me and I will set you free
He tells me this, I hear Him
I'm just not ready....not yet

But the time will come
I WILL go and set the contents of my box FREE
And when I do
Oh, when I do!!!! 
I will be FREE!!!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

His Name


Big Daddy Weave
The Only Name

Yours will be the only Name that matters to me
The only One Whose favor I seek
The only Name that matters to me

Yours will be
The friendship and affection I need
To feel my Father smiling on me
The only Name that matters to me

Yours is the Name the Name that has saved me
Mercy and grace the power that forgave me
And Your love is all I’ve ever needed

When I wake up in the Land of Glory
And with the saints I will tell my story
There will be one Name that I proclaim

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, just that Name 

I love Big Daddy Weave, he has the spirit within him to be able to capture such beautiful music the way he does. He is touched by God to be able to convey such feelings through the music and words God must give him. I enjoy every song written by this band,
 they are truly a blessing to Christian music. 

Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Since losing my dear brother in law, Christian music has brought me great comfort. 
More than it ever has before. I seem to be listening to the words more
and finding deeper meaning to them. 
Some of my favorite songs have been hard to listen to, 
the pain is still fresh, 
but this one by Big Daddy Weave has been a huge comfort. 
Waking up in the land of Glory! 
I've talked about heaven on this blog before, 
and now that I have yet another loved one with Christ, 
I can't stop thinking about Heaven and what awaits those who believe in the Name of Jesus. 
His name is THE ONLY name that ever matters. 
The name of Jesus. This song captures that so well. 
His favor is the only favor we should ever seek.
Seeking mans favor is not what Christ wants of us.
 Colossians 3:17, "And whatever you do, 
in word or deed, 
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, 
giving thanks to God the Father through him". 
Everything we do, EVERYTHING should be for God the Father and his Son. 
We need to be thanking God for our every breath.
 He gave it to us, we did not earn it on our own,
 or create it. He created us and therefore, 
we should be giving thanks to 
Him always for everything we have and are able to do. 

Friendship in Christ is the best kind of friendship.
We should seek Him in all things first. 
He wants a relationship with us.
 John 14:6  Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. 
No one comes to the Father except through me.
If we can only get to the Father through Jesus the son,
 then the only way to do that is in union with His Son.
A friendship. Talking. Praying. Giving. Leaning. Growing. 
Christ died for me and you
He wants to be our everything. 
The ONE we go to in all things. 
He wants HIS name to be above all names when we cry out! 

And one day, when we Wake up in the Land of Glory
and the Father smiles on us and says, 
well done my good and faithful servant (Matthew 25:23).
There should be only One Name to Proclaim
The Name of Jesus! 

His love is all we ever need. 
His approval is all we ever need. 
His Grace comes from only Him, 
no one else can provide us Grace and Mercy. 
We are created to worship Him and Him alone. 
Our life is to be a reflection of His love on us. 
Surround yourself with His love today. 
Worship His name alone today. 
And one day, 
When you wake up in the land of Glory
The only name you will proclaim will be 
Jesus ! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Unhealthy Relationships and when to let go

A healthy relationship is a relationship in which there is balance in giving and taking . . . where there is mutual appreciation and a building up . . . where there are honest words of appreciation without any taint of manipulation.

  A healthy relationship is one that gives and takes on both sides. (Romans 2:11)
A healthy relationship is about building one another up. (Ephesians 4:29)
A healthy relationship is where there are honest words, and not manipulation. (Matthew 4:21-25)

Broken relationships are probably one of the most heartbreaking things that happen to humans. 
They make God sad, that is for sure.  (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)
But not all relationships are good for all people.
I believe that all people try to do their best in all their relationships. 
Sometimes, they just aren't healthy. 
If a relationship is a liability to your health and well-being, and not an asset, its time to evaluate
and possibly give that person to God. 
First, there will be constant strife and division. Amos 3:3 asks us, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" A healthy relationship is one in which there is a oneness of goals, purpose, values, and beliefs. God's Word also says, "Where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there" (James 3:16).

How do we evaluate if a relationship is not healthy? 
First, there will be constant strife and division. 
Amos 3:3 asks us, "Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?" 
A healthy relationship is one in which there is a oneness of goals, purpose, values, and beliefs.
 God's Word also says, 
"Where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there" (James 3:16).

The Bible tells us that a double-minded man is "unstable in all his ways" (James 1:8). 
The situation is out of order and therefore out of control. Only God is a God of order. 
He has set up lines of authority, and when those lines are violated, 
the door is then open to Satan to come in and take over. 
You don't get to choose the brand of evil spirit you want. 
When you get out of line with the way God has designed you and your life to work, the devil has a legal right to touch you with any form of evil he wants. 
Strife and confusion in a relationship sap your energy and drain your creativity. 
They take your focus off what God has for you.
One of the most dangerous relationships is the one that holds you to your past. (Matthew 13:53-58)
The relationships, situations, conditions, experiences of your past 
can drag you down and hold you back. 
They can keep you from fulfilling your potential in Christ. 
All these things weight heavy on your heart and rob you of control over your life. 
Don't give power to any person to manipulate you and control you.
Nobody deserves that power but God!  Ephesians 1:11

If we lose our identity in Christ, or 
Compromise who we are for another person, outside of Christ,
 we are in a unhealthy relationship. (1 Peter 3:15)
We have to trust God to lead us to know which relationships are unhealthy. 
If we aren't growing in Christ because of an unhealthy relationship
its time to break it off. 
Any time another person holds us back from spending time with Christ, 
we don't need that person in our life.   

Sounds easy based on biblical truth.
But it is never easy to end a relationship,
 especially if it is someone close to you like a family member or life long friend or spouse.
But when we are drained and we have tried and there is nothing more we can do 
and you have given it your best shot,
And the relationship is now making you sick, 
Physically, Mentally, Emotionally
When our soul is in immediate peril because of someones actions, words and presence in your life, 
We have no other choice but to turn this person over to God
And then, turn ourselves over to Him as well. 

By giving this person over to God, we allow God to do his work in this person, outside of us.
We can't change anyone, but God can!  Hebrews 4:13
And by asking God to reveal in us our mistakes in the failed relationship, 
we are now allowing God to bring change in ourselves. 
 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, 
which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 
 Transformation is a process
When we trust God and take Him at His Word, 
 He will be free to transform our hearts and minds. 
But it needs to be understood that this change does not happen all at once.
 It is a process.
And not everyone will agree with it, 
but stick to your beliefs! 
Be healthy IN CHRIST
and surround yourself with like-minded people. 

So as much as a failed relationship hurts,
the best thing to do is turn yourself over to Christ and the other person over to Christ. 
Then, and only then, the change can start to take place.
And sometimes, yes, you need to walk away from this person.
You can't seek Christ when you are distracted with 
pain, drama, turmoil, hurt, and past differences. .
You need to focus on Christ so you can grow in the Lord. 
And if that person isn't part of your future, your life
Its ok
Christ doesn't want us in bad relationships
He wants us first and foremost in a loving relationship with Him!
So if someone is holding you back from that
Its time to let go.

“Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself; do not merely look out for you own personal interests, but also for the interests of others” (Philippians 2:2-4).


A healthy relationship is a relationship in which there is balance in giving and taking . . . where there is mutual appreciation and a building up . . . where there are honest words of appreciation without any taint of manipulation.
A healthy relationship is a relationship in which there is balance in giving and taking . . . where there is mutual appreciation and a building up . . . where there are honest words of appreciation without any taint of manipulation.