Tuesday, June 10, 2014


I haven't written in a month!! 
This is what happens when you live in the mid-west and have the winter we had. 
Summer comes and you don't want to be inside
or if you are you are being creative with something summer! 
This is my newest creations
Flip Flop Wreaths! 
I LOVE flip flops
After all, Jesus wore sandals, right?
I want to believe that he had a pair of flip flops! 
He needed his toes out, feel the sand and sun! 
Yep, that's the best part of summer, flip flops! 
Psalm 74:17
You have fixed all the boundaries of the earth; you have made summer and winter. 
Well, winter is not one of my favorite seasons
but I do appreciate it in some respects. 
I don't like bugs and there are no bugs in winter
so that is one good thing about winter. 
And snow can be beautiful
as long as I don't have to drive in it
(which I always do, but) 
But nothing screams living like summer!
The Sun is out, its shining, its warm
Birds chirp, The ducks make families, the geese mate
we see turtles in our pond, the muskrats get busy
Its fun watching God's animals from my balcony! 
(I am a 110% city girl) 
I live in the suburbs, but have a bit of country out my window 
and in the summer, it is perfect! 
The sun stays up longer, so its lighter later. 
Flip Flops
Yep, God knew what he was doing! 

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