Monday, July 14, 2014

Walking With Christ

Did you ever have a light-bulb moment?
You know, that moment when your doing something 
and in your head you say to yourself 
"OOOHHHHH, why didn't I see that sooner!!" 
Well I had that this morning. 
I haven't been on here lately
I've been in a bit of a funk. 
Feeling like life isn't giving me what I want
Doing things I don't want to do
Not being happy with some things in my life
My body being one of them. 
Recent doctor appointment told me that I need to lose weight
If I don't, I will pay the consequence. 
Those consequences are not something I want to deal with. 
So, I have embarked on the best way for me to lose weight. 
Breakfast has never been one of my strongest times to eat. 
As a matter of fact, I can skip breakfast and sometimes lunch 
on most days, big mistake in the "keeping your weight in tack" world~ 
So, I figured that drinking weight loss shakes might be the key
Since cooking is something I do, but usually only for dinner
I am looking in to different options for meal replacement. 
I've tried one, to much Soy, so I am looking into some others
I bought one last week and just finished that can this morning. 
My husband and Son had to embark on this mission with me
so they too had some of the shakes this weekend. 
Guess what? We all survived!! Chocolate flavor, not bad
best mixed with milk and a scoop of yogurt 
I'm going to try a couple others I found online 
and check my local health food store for other options. 

But the biggest thing that hit me like a light-bulb moment 
wasn't that I need to lose weight
I've needed to do that for years,
or that I can drink my way to it, 
No, what hit me this morning as I headed out for my daily walk 
And let me say, that for two weeks now I have been walking with my son in the morning
He has been doing this on and off for a while now
But I decided to join him the last few weeks.
Its been nice, but I think I invaded his "quiet" time 
So, I think him and I agreed that not every day will we walk together
only some days out of the week. 
So this morning, as I am up at 6 am anyway, 
I ventured out after my protein drink on my own. 
And for the first time took my phone with me and turned on KLOVE
The local Christian radio station. 
Ear buds in, I was on my way! 

I tell you, it was a God moment! 
It was if each song was designed to make me walk at a certain speed
The first four, were fast and uplifting
I found myself clipping along pretty quickly
perfect timing as I rounded the corner and it became slightly uphill
so the next couple songs were slower, more deliberate.
I truly felt as if the Holy Spirit was saying
Walking with Christ eh? Why haven't you ever thought of this before? 
The songs were perfect not only in rhythm, but in words
Each song talked about God lifting me up
Loving me, caring about me, walking beside me!! 
I might not lose tons of weight, then again maybe I will. 
But God could not have made it clearer to me that HE loves me! 
Each song made me just beam with emotion as I stepped each step!
Every word to every song picked exactly for this moment
was speaking to me, telling me this might not be easy, losing weight
But God is there for me! He always has been! 
Ask him to walk with you every morning, the Holy Spirit was saying to me! 
I honestly felt like I could take the world on!!
I walked double what I normally do and I feel great!! 
(Thus the writing on this blog) 
I feel like I have some new found energy! 
And it is energy of the Spirit, I know it. 
1 Corinthians 10:31 
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
I love this next one
Genesis 9:3 
Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. 
And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything. 

Its that light bulb moment when you say
This is it, I'm going to do this
and you set out, not on your own, 
but with Christ by your side, 
walking with you
Walking WITH Christ
John 6:35
Matthew 6:25-34
Whatever it is you need to conquer 
Be it weight, or any addiction to anything
Walk WITH Christ and you CAN battle the enemy! 

Have a blessed day!  

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