Word for the New Year.
A few years ago, KLOVE radio had an idea. Instead of listing a bunch of resolutions that probably would fail anyway, why not pick a word that you can study all year and see how Christ uses that word in your life. What a great idea! I've had words like "Settled" "Hope" "Certain" and last years word, "Endurance".
I have to say, last year I wasn't so good about my word. I think I did endure the year, but I didn't study my word as much as I should have. So, with that in mind, I am going to keep trying to concentrate on the word Endurance, but also add the word, Worship.
This year, I want to worship my Lord and Savior.
Worship: reverent honor and homage paid to God, the object of adoring reverence or regard,
“God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth” John 4:24
I can't wait to see how the Lord is going to use this word in my life in 2014.
What is your word for the New Year? Or do you make a resolution?