James 1:17 "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
I want to learn how to Worship my Lord and Savior more.
I just don't want to do it at 6 am !!!
Now for those of you who know me, you know the story.
One car family, husband takes the bus.
I was spoiled (or blessed) for a few months when my husbands job changed and he had 3 co-workers who picked him up and dropped him off. FREEDOM for me!!
I didn't have to get up, I could sleep in and not chase busses!
But, the Lord didn't think that was a good idea.
For He changed my husbands job, and now he has to take a bus again.
So, I have to get up and take him.
Oh, I could let him take the car to the bus stop (He doesn't want to drive downtown everyday, for many reasons) but then I wouldn't have a car all day, and although some might wonder what it is I do all day, I am not sitting home watching TV, so I do need a car!
The Lord must think I need to be up early, which would be fine if I actually slept at night.
But I usually do not.
So, I get up.
I have been working on thanking God each morning that I GOT up and that I am alive and can drive my husband to the bus. So that gets my out the door, and I think my attitude is improving in that area.
So then we wait for the bus, we talk, just the two of us.
I do love this time alone with my husband. It is reflective sometimes, sometimes serious if we have to discuss a serious household item (like where to buy our computer)
Sometimes, we just watch the sun come up. That is my favorite. That is when I KNOW God is near and talking to me. When He provides the most beautiful sunrise for me/us to watch.
Then the bus comes, I kiss my husband goodbye, wish him a good day, turn up KLOVE and listen to music and worship as I drive home.
Its that drive that makes me grateful. That time alone with the Lord as the sun rises....nothing like it.
But there are mornings the sun isn't there, it is behind a cloud and I feel dreary and tired.
Oh its the best sleep I get sometimes, between 7-9 am, but sometimes, when I get up, I'm MORE tired than I was at 6 !!
So the Lord and I are trying to figure this out.
WHY Lord to I have to get up at 6 and drive?
Is it to watch your sunrise?
Is it to listen to my husband read devotionals by the little light in the car?
Is it to listen to KLOVE and sing Praises to you at 6:30 am?
You bet it is!!
All of those things.
Now, I just need to adjust my attitude like the radio station and snuggle into my life.
The one God has blessed me with and quit questioning WHY I have to get up so early and just GET UP and WORSHIP!