Friday, March 28, 2014

My Box at the Tree of Life

I am a very visual person. 
When I got my new vacuum cleaner
I looked at the pictures on the box to put it together. 
Directions are fine when I really can't figure it out from a picture, 
but I am a visual learner for sure! 
Don't send me to a classroom, I won't learn anything. 
Don't give me lots of reading and then tests,
I won't get much out of that. 
Show me and let me go! 
Yep, Visual. 
So it is no surprise to me that everything else in my life is also visual. 
When it comes to my relationship with Christ 
it's the same principal, visual. 

When I go to Christ in prayer, conversation, or just to spend time with Him
I go visually. 
I picture myself with him. 
Its always the same. 
He is in His Robe. 
Not the bright white one, but the one that is off white, 
like this picture from the Son of God movie 
(and I imagine that Jesus probably looks something like this too)
 And Him and I are by a stream of running water
The water of Life itself
And we are by the tree of Life
The Tree is big, green, lush and full of Life
It is after all, the Tree of Life, 
It is bursting with Life from those who's names have been written.
And the grass is rich green and it just smells of fresh earth
Not dirt smell, but fresh....pure.....clean.......Holy
HIS presence makes it Perfect, Simple, Flawless
It is the most peaceful place that we meet, Jesus and I. 
He is dressed in His Robes and Sandals
 I approach Him
He is always under the tree
Sometimes we sit together
Sometimes we stand
Sometimes, in times of real need, I sit with Him
 He has his arms around me
Comforting me
Much like that of a Father.

I always have a box
And in my box are my troubles
He'll say to me
"Whats in the box today Geralyn" 
This particular day
I don't want to show Him yet what is in my box
Because I am not ready to give it to Him. 
But in the past, we have done this conversation
We have done the box. 

We have met so many many times under this tree in my life time. 
And many times I have given Him the contents of my box. 
When I have given Him the contents of the box
I mean, spilled them out for Him to take
I feel a lightness (John 8:36)
A calmness that I have finally turned something over to Him
For Him to take care of. (1 Peter 5:7) 
Once that is done,
the contents given to Christ,
I am now reconciled with Christ in the concerns of my box. 
I no longer have to worry about them. 
FREEDOM in Christ! Galatians 5:1

We hug
He tells me He loves me
 Today I didn't give Him the box
Today, I tell Him my box is heavy and I need to let it go
But I can't......I'm holding on
He says;
Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
    I have called you by name, you are mine. 
 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you;
    and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you;
when you walk through fire you shall not be burned,
    and the flame shall not consume you. 
 For I am the Lord your God,
  Because you are precious in my eyes,
    and honored, and I love you,
 Remember not the former things,
    nor consider the things of old. 
 Behold, I am doing a new thing;
(Isaiah from verse 43) 

When you are ready, bring me your box 
Bring me your troubles and concerns
cast them on me and I will set you free
He tells me this, I hear Him
I'm just not ready....not yet

But the time will come
I WILL go and set the contents of my box FREE
And when I do
Oh, when I do!!!! 
I will be FREE!!!

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