Thursday, February 20, 2014

Needing Gods Peace

1 Corinthians 14:33  For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.

I have never been more confused in my life as I have been in the last 2 1/2 weeks of my life.
Its wonderful confusion. Does that make sense?
Confusion that brings wonder, joy, laughter, but it does not bring peace, not yet it has not. 
Peace is a settlement.  A place in your heart that you feel ...peace.
Peace is defined as: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility.
I have not had that over the last 2 1/2 weeks.
Far from it actually.
Confusion is defined:  the state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.
YES! Confusion is what I have been.
But in a wonderful way.
God says, be not confused be at peace.
But when we are in this state of confusion, it is hard to see God's peace.
So how to we get to that peace.....?
Its a question for me as it is for you too.
Prayer is one way I think.
It is our only way to communicate with God directly, prayer.
So, how do we pray for peace in a state of confusion?
For me, I don't ask for clarity of the situation.
I think I have come to a place in my life where I am not going to understand enough for clarity, so I'm not going to ask. God doesn't always provide that anyway, so, sometimes, like at this time in my life, I'm not going to ask.
No, I need to just pray for peace.
I'm going to pray for my state of mind not to be bewildered. 
I'm going to ask the One who designed my mind to just make things clear enough for me to have peace about the situation.
Instead of walking around in a state of confusion, help me walk around in a state of peace Lord!
Let me take the Wonder you have provided in this confusion and let it be wonderful Peace!
When the moment is confusing, replace it immediately with YOUR Peace Lord.
Because I can't create my own peace.
2 Thessalonians 3:16 tells us the Lord Himself gives us peace.
John 16:33 says we will have peace IN the Lord.
We can't have peace outside of God.
So in my confusion I will pray,
Lord, make my confusion YOUR Peace.
I don't need to understand the "why's" of all this, just that You are in control and I should just be peaceful about the entire situation.
Give me Peace that only Your Holy Spirit can provide.
Give it to me at the times when my heart is breaking and I do not see the purpose.
Give me Peace when their is no peace in the situation.
Give me Your peace when I'm confused with questions and wonderment.
Give my Your Peace Jesus, when nothing else makes sense. 

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